RailsConf always boasts an exciting variety of talks that highlight the creativity and interdisciplinary nature of the Ruby community. I thought it would be fun to curate a series highlighting our speakers' stories and their experiences in tech. Read on for today’s speaker spotlight…
Title of Talk
Crafting Rails Plugins
Chris Oliver

How Did you get into Ruby?
I started with Rails in college working for a professor and then built my senior project in Rails.
What’s your favorite part about working on Open Source Software?
It's amazing how much you can learn and help other people with open source. Because the code isn't closed, we can achieve so much more.
What’s your least favorite part about working on OSS?
Sometimes people can be demanding and ungrateful for the hard work and effort you put in.
What inspired you to give this talk?
I've built a handful of Ruby gems over the years to extend Rails and wanted to help other people do the same. Plus, every Rails app is itself an engine so it will help people understand their own applications more deeply.
What do you want people to take away from it?
You can build Rails plugins too (you already are!) and it's not that scary!
What are you most looking forward to at this conference?
Making new friends and catching up with old friends.
Do you have any other fun plans in Detroit during the in-person conference week?
Nope, just plan to hang out with everyone!
RailsConf Talk preview!
Thank you, Chris! See you at RailsConf 2024!