Ruby Central is excited to announce Marty Haught will be joining us on an interim basis to lead our open source work, including the RubyGems and Bundler projects, effective today. We are glad to welcome Marty back - he was previously the co-leader of Ruby Central and is an alumnus of the open source infrastructure company Hashicorp as well as infrastructure sponsor Fastly.

Marty has been part of the Ruby community since 2006, a leader of Ruby Central since 2012, and member of our Open Source committee since its creation last year. His knack for collaboration has helped teams do their best in a friendly and supportive space.  

We want to thank André Arko for his many years supporting RubyGems and Bundler projects. Under his leadership, he established a non-profit to support Ruby package management for many years and shepherded bringing Ruby Together over to Ruby Central.  In less than two years, they’ve expanded the program from a $220k OSS budget to over $900k for a 348% increase in the program budget!  We look forward to continuing to work with André alongside the entire OSS team.

Ruby Central continues to focus on the support and longevity of the Ruby package management infrastructure. This change is designed to bring a fresh perspective to our open source operations and to help us redesign our organization to achieve our ambitious vision. Our goal is to support everyone in the Ruby community well on into the future.

Ruby Central relies on contributions from organizations and individuals to support the software projects, so please consider attending or sponsoring RubyConf in Chicago, as well as sponsoring Ruby Central through individual donations or corporate sponsorships. For other opportunities to volunteer, visit our website.