Thinking of applying to this year's RailsConf Scholars and Guides program? Read on to hear from last year's Scholars about what it was like and why you should take the leap and apply!

Kaylah Rose Mitchell
Professional Title:
Software Engineer
How did you get into Ruby?
I got into Ruby after attending the Turing School of Software & Design.
Are there any Ruby projects you're working on that you're excited about?
I am currently maintaining a travel application that allows you to collaborate with friends, make itineraries based on travel destination, track flights in real time, and more. Additionally, I have begun contributing to Camping, an open-source micro framework.
Why did you decide to join the Scholars/Guides program?
I decided to join the Scholars/Guides program because I am aligned with the mission to provide opportunities for people who are underrepresented in tech. Additionally, I am excited for the opportunity to one day be a Guide with the program that supported me.
What was the highlight of the conference for you?
My highlight of the conference was meeting Chris Oliver with GoRails. His work has helped me tremendously during my time in school. I received excellent advice, and encouragement, and made a genuine professional connection.
What surprised you, if anything about your RailsConf2023 experience?
While the industry has a ways to go, I was overjoyed to see what I believed to be a great deal more diversity and representation at RailsConf compared to the rest of the industry.
Any advice for first-time conference attendees?
Speak to as many new people as you are able to! Everyone is excited to be there and excited for you to be there also. Ask questions and practice the art of following up!
Any other final thoughts?
Thank you to the incredible team at RubyCentral for this opportunity. Thank you to the guides for being our anchors and supports, and thank you to the scholars for putting themselves out there.